Driver and assistant found dead in truck…….

Rangpur: Police recovered dead bodies of a truck driver and his assistant from the truck’s cabin near VIP Shahadat Cold Storage on the R-K Road in Rangpur on Thursday, reports BSS.
The deceased persons have been identified truck driver Korayesh Khan, reportedly 32 years old, son of late Sonaullah Pramanik of village Nundai and his assistant Ramjan Ali, 43, son of Panaullah of village Nokali under Shahjadpur upazila of Sirajganj.

Police said the driver and helper had started from Dinajpur with the rice-laden truck for Baghabari in Sirajganj at 10:00pm on Tuesday night. But when Rangpur Kotwali police recovered their bodies the rice from the truck was gone at about 8:00am.

‘The miscreants might have tortured and strangled the driver and his assistant and left the truck after looting the rice,’ officer-in-charge of Rangpur Kotwali police Azizul Islam said.
The bodies were handed over to the families of the deceased persons after conducting an autopsy at Rangpur Medical College Hospital.
‘Relatives of the deceased persons have already arrived here and the process of filing a double murder case with Kotwali police is in progress,’ the OC said.

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